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A marriage proposal or bring back Office 2003 menus again!

If you’ve been using Microsoft Office for a long time, you may find the newer versions of Office difficult.  In fact, we have numerous clients we provide computer support for in Charleston that ask us to make the newer versions of Microsoft Office look and feel like the old familiar […]

July 22nd, 2011|Business Productivity, Misc, Software, Utility, Windows|

Good pocket camcorders for around $100 bucks…

Several of my accounts have inquired about a good pocket camcorder for creating internet ready videos.  Others mentioned needing something easy for posting video on Facebook or website.

Cisco has recently made an announcement that they are saying RIP to the FLIP pocket camcorder line; this notice and the bad personal experiences I’ve had with the […]

April 26th, 2011|Business Productivity, Hardware, LifeStyle/Health, Misc|

Augmented Reality ….

Word Lens for Iphone, Ipad, Ipod Touch, etc.
I downloaded Word Lens the other week to show one of my Charleston clients who owns an import/export business.

My likes:  Word Lens augments reality in real-time; it provides Spanish to English and vice-versa for $4.99.  Useful for quick translations like menus, signs, and provides the gist of what a small […]

Several free ways to dramatically increase your wireless signal.

I’ve received numerous calls from folks living in condos in Charleston that call and want help improving their wireless reception.  Here are a few free ways you can dramatically improve the wireless reception in your home or office.

Point the antenna(s) of your device up to the ceiling.
Avoid placing your device between you and large […]

March 27th, 2011|Android, Business Productivity, Hardware, Mac, Software, Utility, Windows|

Google Tip – What time is it?

Having customers and relatives abroad, I find this Google feature most helpful.  In Google’s search box, type:

“what time is it”  – local time
“what time is it in Seoul” – local Seoul Korea time
“what time is it in Russia” – provides all time zones across Russian Federation.

Try it out:

Help! Someone’s stealing my web content and passing it off as their own.

One of my clients is Dr. Stephanie Rimka of Folly Beach and Atlanta.  I’ve helped Stephanie with computer problems in the past and have provided her some basic search engine optimization work for the business website she developed called Brain & Body Solutions in Atlanta.

Dr. Stephanie’s very knowledgeable and is a good writer.  She’s so […]

February 28th, 2011|Business Productivity, Linux, Mac, Misc, Security, Windows|

Excellent Free Alternatives to Paint and Photoshop

Robin Poliakoff of Poliakoff Law Firm LLC in downtown Charleston needed some computer help and computer advice on getting her practice equipped.  One of her straggler questions was regarding alternatives to Paint.

I told Robin there are several free alternatives to the Paint software that come with most operating systems such as Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.

Also, […]

February 23rd, 2011|Business Productivity, Linux, Misc, Software, Windows|

Free way of sharing One Keyboard & Mouse across multiple PCs.

Our family is friends with several merchants/artists who have both PC’s and Macs.  It’s inevitable that when we’re together socially, I’m asked for computer help or computer consulting and I get questions about security or how to best solve a business problem, etc.

One unique question I received was a from a designer who does […]

February 12th, 2011|Business Productivity, Linux, Mac, Software, Utility, Windows|