What is Google Mail (Gmail) two-step verification?  An extra layer of logon protection that improves security appropriate for folks that keep sensitive info in their Gmail accounts.

How it Works:
Log in normally w/your gmail user/password.  Google text messages you a code (Android/Iphone/BB users can install an app to generate codes).  Enter this code and you login.  A hacker would need your password and your mobile phone in their possession at same time.  If you don’t want to be bothered, you can set a computer to be “trusted” meaning you’ll only have to authenticate with the code once every 30 days.

Several of our Charleston computer clients LOVE this service and have asked us to help them install it on all their phones and business PCs.   For more info, call us at 843.276.6551 or visit our website at delsoncomputer.com

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